Stepping Forward

My First Blog

To say I’m not intimidated about blogging is an understatement. Yet I forge out into the world of blogs. Last night I decided to surf through and see what’s out there on WordPress. I typed in a few search words and scrolled through looking at the plethora of websites. Overwhelmed and thinking – What do I have to contribute that’s not being said or shared already? Will anyone read what I’ve posted? Perhaps what I write will be lost among st all the other voices.

Woman Courage

Bravery takes on all kinds of forms these days.

Not to minimize those who daily lay their lives on the line as first res-ponders or LEO’s but putting your voice out there into the world takes a certain kind of courage. Feeling like your voice matters and you have something to contribute is essential to stepping forward. I find myself reaching deep down into those places where I’ve worked hard at building self confidence, identity and an awareness of my purpose. Telling myself “I Am A Writer!” Hearing the voice of encouragement from a best friend that what I write is good, worth sharing and relevant. All this to muster up the where-with-all to post my first blog.

I must give a shout out to my best friend Belinda who herself is an accomplished blogger/writer and soon to be published author. She has been such a supporter of my writing and has encouraged me to put myself out there. God has blessed me with a great treasure in her friendship and I owe her BIG! Thanks for getting me started.

2018 is going to be a year of new for me. Without taking you through my entire 2017 (which was a real hard year I hear for many, me included) Suffice to say, I’m glad it’s over! Deep inside I sense an excitement and anticipation which I wish somehow I could describe but alas no. At this point it’s just a sense in my gut.

Looking back over the last decade I can see all the benefits from Life Coaching, Re-framing thoughts or Renewing the mind and embracing God as Papa. His extravagant love has overwhelmed me and I am amazed at the lavish grace He pours out on my life. Reading Graham Cooke’s books and listening to his teachings has been stretching and challenging. Reading Brene Brown’s books “I Thought it was Just Me” and “The Gifts of Imperfection” were revolutionary to my life.

I share all this to say- I’ve worked hard at getting where I am today. Yet I am who I am by the Grace of God. That is so freeing.

background-2847957_1920My hope is that whoever reads my blogs will be blessed, encouraged, find hope that they’re not alone in their journey on life’s path. That their voice matters. We all have something to contribute.

6 thoughts on “Stepping Forward

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  1. It’s so exiting to see you launch your blog. I’m really interested to hear more about personal growth, courage and vulnerability. I live Brene Brown also.


  2. I am excited to read what you will post next. It is through your writing that I will get to know you better, friend.


  3. Shelly, I am thrilled to read your blog. For years I’ve enjoyed your fresh, unique perspectives through conversation. Now that I live in Montana, I can still partake of your wise words through this venue.


  4. Beautifully written! It left me hungry for more of you. So proud and SO excited that you have found your voice and you are using it!


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